zenergy space - Berlin - Nadine Streich - Ihr holistisches Zentrum für Naturheilkunde und Well-being in Berlin Health zenergy space - Berlin - Nadine Streich - Ihr holistisches Zentrum für Naturheilkunde und Well-being in Berlin Healing zenergy space - Berlin - Nadine Streich - Ihr holistisches Zentrum für Naturheilkunde und Well-being in Berlin Mindfulness

Welcome to zenergy space –
Your Holistic Center for Naturopathy & Well-being in Berlin!

At zenergy space, I approach health and well-being holistically. I view body, mind, and soul as an inseparable unit, considering all aspects of your individual well-being – from physical health to emotional, mental, and spiritual levels.

zenergy space accompanies you on your journey to inner peace, physical vitality, and mental balance, helping you to:

  • strengthening your physical and mental health
  • alleviating pain
  • preventing and potentially curing illnesses
  • discovering your true self and practicing mindfulness
  • decelerating and recharging your energy reserves
  • reducing stress and improving your focus
  • leading a happy and healthy life
zenergy space - Berlin - Nadine Streich - traditionelles Besprechen

What zenergy space offers for you:

Foot Reflexology

zenergy space - Berlin - Nadine Streich - Fußreflexzonen Therapie

Discover the healing power of foot reflexology, a holistic therapy aimed at restoring physical balance, promoting well-being, and enhancing vitality.

Ear Acupuncture

zenergy space - Berlin - Nadine Streich - Ohrakupunktur

Experience the powerful effects of ear acupuncture, which, through the stimulation of reflex zones, enables pain relief and enhances overall well-being on a holistic level.


zenergy space - Berlin - Nadine Streich - Reiki

Immerse yourself in the world of universal life energy and experience the holistic healing power of Reiki – a journey towards well-being, balance, and self-healing.

Traditional Healing

zenergy space - Berlin - Nadine Streich - traditionelles Besprechen

Experience the traditional art of “Besprechen,” a proven method of energy medicine for alleviating discomfort and achieving holistic healing of body and mind through ancient healing phrases.


zenergy space - Berlin - Nadine Streich - Meditation

Immerse yourself in the world of meditation – a practice that helps alleviate stress, enhance concentration, and find inner peace, fostering greater harmony, clarity, and joy in life.


zenergy space - Berlin - Nadine Streich - Yoga

Experience the transformative power of yoga, an ancient practice that harmonizes body, mind, and soul, builds flexibility and strength, and enhances overall well-being.


zenergy space - Berlin - Nadine Streich - Corporates

Recognize your employees’ commitment and boost productivity with a customized “Well-being & Momentum” program tailored to promote balance, inner peace, increased energy, and improved focus.

Workshops and Seminars

zenergy space - Berlin - Nadine Streich - Workshops & Seminare

Participate in inspiring workshops and seminars that offer you new insights and tools for a fulfilling life.
Course offerings can be found under the services section.

zenergy space – that´s …


is a state of conscious presence and inner peace, a condition in which the mind can settle, entering a state of clarity and mindfulness, free from distracting thoughts or worries.

Through my treatments and courses, I aim to facilitate this state for you.
Zen also reflects the mindfulness with which I approach you.

zenergy space - Berlin - Nadine Streich - Zen
zenergy space - Berlin - Nadine Streich - Energy


flows through everything. Through Reiki, Traditional Healing practices, Yin Yoga, and other therapies, I work with life force energy to activate your self-healing powers.

The approach of auricular acupuncture and foot reflexology follows this principle as well.
All these methods release energy to shape the life you desire. Everything is interconnected, and everything is energy; it begins and ends within ourselves.


embodies the inner realm that we can rediscover – a place for feeling, breathing, and simply being.

I invite you to explore this space and arrive within yourself.

zenergy space - Berlin - Nadine Streich - space - space / Raum

Welcome to zenergy space – your place for Health – Healing-Mindfulness.